Mineral Processing

We are in close cooperation with miners and mining companies.
This helps us ensure constant and stable mineral supply.

About us

The region of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where we operate in, is relatively poor. Our operations in this region result in persistent economic benefit for both workers and consumers. They benefit from the local natural resources by producing minerals from the local mines.

Mining in DRC offers wast amounts of unexploited possibilities of ore processing and diversification.

Ores are processed to extract tin, titanium, tungsten some gold and gemstones. 

Being the second largest export sector in DRC – mining in 2014 generated more than $210 million of foreign exchange – a significant contribution to the DRCs‘ economy.

Largest export sector


In foreign exchange

With all the significance in the mineral sector, we are commited to:
Building, expanding and streghtening our business on a clear ethical basis
Setting our ambitous yet realistic goals in a clear and determined manner and making them achievable by building an acute, progressive and advanced decision making model
Creating, perfecting and implementing an effective strategy management process
Maintaining and refining our well-structured organization guiding our company to succesful corporate management 
Perfecting our reporting systems, created to ensure transparency and accountability
All exported minerals from DRC are traceable via a specialized tagging system that is accepted by the mineral buyers. Also, a powerful, investor friendly, legal policy framework has been implemented in order create a stable and fully functioning sector. All together with the mentioned above, there are numerous mineral transparency initiatives established in DRC. To name a few: the enactment of the Dodd-Frank „Conflict-Minerals“ Act, the ITRI/iTSCi „Tag And Bag“ scheme, anti-smuggling regulation for the mineral sector, 100% of DRC minerals traceability from the mine sites to the export point, Regional Certification Mechanism for mining regulations.



Due to close and continuous cooperation with miners and mining companies, our company is able to ensure constant and stable mineral supply. In order to ensure quality and good business relationships, we pay a pre-established depposit amount to the suppliers upfront before carrying out our in-house processing, testing and analysis. In many cases, we put together minerals from various suppliers as one lot, e.g. the Resources Authority/Geology and Mines Department (GMD), who have a permanent office at our facility and are responsible to issue tags for mixed lots from different suppliers.
• Site Tags (designating the site or mine the minerals come from).
• Negociant Tags (meant for lots which have materials from different suppliers).
• Tags for unaccepted or waste materials.

Testing & Analysis

We use a specialized Spectrum Analyzer to get information about the type of material received, the number of bags and their weight and wether the material has been mixed or milled.
Lab Tests give the breakdown of elements in the sample and the Bq Radiation (the Becquerel) is the Sl derived unit of radioactivity). One Becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. This is to ensure that no harmful radiation is present in the material.


Every material is crushed in our crushing machines until it reaches the consistency of powder. Magnetic separators are also used to separate mixed materials into iron, Tin or Tantalum, discarding the iron and storing the tin and the tantalum. All materials are regularly weighed at every different stage of the process.


It is very important that all material that comes to our facility MUST be tagged, with no exception. This ensures traceability, due diligence and audit requirements on purchases of minerals from high risk areas. Coltan mining has financed serious conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo, including the Ituri conflict and the Second Congo War.


Before packing the steel drums for export, they must be issued with a corresponding tag.


The containers with the steel drums containing minerals are loaded and delivered to the agreed location.



Coltan (short for columbite-tantalites and known industrially as tantalite) is a dull black metallic ore from which elements niobium and tantalum are extracted. The niobium dominant mineral in coltan is columbite (after niobiums‘ oginal American name – columbium) and tantalum – dominant mineral is tantalite.

Tantalum from coltan is used to manufacture tantalum capacitors that are used for mobile phones, personal computers, automotive electronics and cameras.

About coltan – Typical market specifications
Coltan generally contains a minimum of 30% Tantalum pentoxide (Ta205), while lower grade material with a minimum of 20% Ta205 may also be of interest. The commercial payable value is based on the Ta205 content alone, any Niobium oxide (Nb205) is generally ignored.


Cassiterite is a tin oxide mineral Sn02. It is generally opaque, but it is translucent in thin crystals. Its luster and multiple crystal faces produce a desirable gem. Cassiterite has been the chief tin ore throughout ancient history and remains the most important source of tin today.

Physical properties of Cassiterite
Cassiterite has several properties that aid in its identification and enable it to be found in minable quantities. Its adamantine luster, high hardness, light streak and high specific gravity are helpful in its identification. Its high specific gravity, resistance to weathering and physical durability enable it to survive stream transport and concentrate in placer deposits.


Tungsten of wolfram is a chemical element with the symbol W and atomic number 74. Tungsten is a rare metal found naturally on Earth almost exclusively combined with other elements in chemical compounds rather than alone. Its important ores include wolframite and scheelite. Tungstens many alloys have numerous applications, including incandescent light bulb filaments, X-ray tubes, electrodes in gas tungsten arc welding, superalloys and radiation shielding. Tungstens hardness and high density give it military applications in penetrating projectiles. Tungsten compounds are also often used as industrial catalysts.

The worlds‘ reserves of tungsten are 3.200.000 tons; they are mostly located in China (1.800.000t), Canada (290.000t), Russia (160.000t), Vietnam (95.000t) and Bolivia. As of 2007, China, Vietnam and Russia are the leading suppliers with 79.000, 7.200 and 3.100 tons respectively. 
Tungsten is considered to be a conflict minderal due to the unethical mining practices observed in the Democratic Republic of Congo
© Kivu Mineral Resources SARL